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Matching Gifts

Tapping into a company that has a matching gifts program is a wonderful way to double and sometimes triple your contribution. Ask your employer if your company has a matching gifts program. If so, submit the paperwork along with your donations. Don’t forget to ask the people you solicit for donations to inquire about THEIR company’s matching gift program. They may also be able to double their contribution to you.

Click here to see a list of companies that have a matching gift program. (This list is NOT a comprehensive list. We may not have prior knowledge about your company’s matching gift program.)

Frequently Asked Questions about Matching Gifts:

  1. What is a matching gift?
    A matching gift is a gift from a donor's employer that matches the donor's original gift. Most employers match dollar for dollar.

  2. How do I know if my employer has a matching gifts program?
    Ask your human resources staff or visit your company's intranet.

  3. Where do I get a matching gift form?
    Those are available only from your employer. If it's not clear whom to ask at your company, talk to your human resources staff. Some companies have an online matching gifts program so you don't ever have to fill out a form.

  4. What do I do with the form when I've filled it out?
    Refer to the instructions on the matching gift form, but usually the next step is to mail or fax it to the chapter (please include the participant's name):

                                  National MS Society
                                  Upstate New York Chapter

                                  1650 South Ave., Suite 100
                                  Rochester, NY 14620
                                  Fax:  585-461-9159

  5. If I enter the donor's gift and the matching gift through my participant center, do I enter them as one gift (lump sum)?
    No. They are two separate gifts and should be entered accordingly.

  6. How will I know when the matching gift has been paid?
    Check the "My Progress" section of your participant center. Gifts labeled "Unconfirmed" have not been received by the chapter yet. It usually takes months to receive payment for matching gifts. Even though they are not paid, you will receive credit for matching gifts for prize purposes.

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